Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Southwest Chicken Soup

So, this is going to be a favorite, for sure. Anything with cumin in it, is great. Anything with cilantro, is wonderful. Anything with both, is ridiculously insanely good. Trust me.

Prep Time: 45 minutes Servings: 8

1 lb. chicken breast $4.00
42 oz. Chicken Broth $2.50
1 can of corn $.70
1 can of black beans $.70
1 can of diced tomatoes $.70
1 bunch of cilantro $.90
1 small white onion $.75
salt and pepper $.10
1 tbsp. Cumin $.50
2 tsp. Taco Seasoning $.50
EVOO $.25
Bay leaves $.40
two cloves of garlic $.25

Total Cost: $12.20 Cost per serving $1.53

I bake my chicken, seasoned with salt and pepper at 350F for 30 minutes. Like I have stated before, baking chicken all at once, will save you time. That is why we had Chicken salad yesterday, and now soup with chicken in it today. Think EASY! Dice the chicken into bite-sized pieces when finished. Drain the "water" out of the corn, black beans, and tomatoes, and rinse in a strainer. Dice the onion and garlic and sautee in a a stock pot with the EVOO. Add salt and pepper. Once onions soften, drop in beans and corn. Sautee one minute. Add the broth, tomatoes, chicken, cumin, bay leaves and taco seasoning. Bring to a boil, then simmer for 15 minutes. Right before serving, finely chop the cilantro and add that to the soup. You want it to wilt slightly in the soup. Salt and pepper to taste, and if you are like me, you may want to add more cumin. I love the stuff. For a little extra joy, you can add tortilla chips before serving, or fresh slices of avocado. So good!!!!

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