Sunday, November 2, 2008

Pasta Ashley (My wife's favorite)- Linguini in a shallot sherry sauce

I know, I know. This pasta has a lot of butter. So sue me! But it's dang good. I have substituted chicken stock for the butter, but it tastes no where near as good. So here I have provided the original recipe. Enjoy!

Servings: Two Prep time: 15 minutes

6 ounces of linguini pasta (whole wheat is good, too) $1.25
1 stick of butter $.75
1 large shallot $.50
3 ounces of dry sherry $.50
broccoli (you can also use snap peas, carrots, or a mixture of vegetables, but broccoli is my wife's fav) $2.00

Total: $5.00 Cost per serving $2.50

Boil the noodles until ready. While cooking the pasta, melt the butter in a pan without burning it. Once hot, drop in the shallots which should be finely chopped. Reduce heat on the shallots and sautee until they are almost transparent. Add in the sherry and reduce the sauce by half. Add salt and pepper. The sauce should thicken some, but still remain thin. Drop in the broccoli and reduce the sauce to a simmer. Once the pasta is done cooking, drain the noodles and toss with the sauce and veg. You can sprinkle each serving with parmesan cheese, and adding tofu or chicken to this dish is great, too.

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