Sunday, November 16, 2008

Bleu Cheese Chicken Salad

This is one of the simplest and best chicken salad recipes I have ever made. Paulette's served this at lunch, and we couldn't make the stuff fast enough. Here we go.

Prep time: 40 minutes Servings 8

1 lb. of chicken $4.00
1 stalk of celery $2.00
1/2 bunch of red grapes $2.00
6oz. Bleu Cheese $4.00
Walnuts (pieces are cheaper and okay to use) $2.00
2-3 Tablespoons of Mayonnaise $.30
salt and pepper $.10
A cap full of white vinegar $.10
A few dashes of Tabasco $.10

Total Cost $14.40 Cost per serving $1.80

Season the chicken with salt and pepper. Bake the chicken at 350F for 30 minutes. Once finished, dice the chicken. Chop the celery. Slice the grapes in half. Crumble the bleu cheese. And combine all ingredients together. Start with just a tablespoon of mayo, and add more to get the consistency you prefer. I have found some folks (like me) LOVE mayonnaise, and some people don't. The vinegar and tabasco bring out the flavors a little bit. These are optional, but I think they make a big difference.

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