Sunday, October 26, 2008

Beer Lovers Notice: Pilsner Urquell on Tap

For all you beer lovers out there, or all of you who may be interested in trying something new, The Beauty Shop Restaurant (966 South Cooper) here in Memphis, now has Pilsner Urquell on tap. For those of you not familiar, Pilsner Urquell is the official beer of the Czech Republic. And I mean that. On a recent trip to Prague, we found Pilsner Urquell on every corner. The beer is so beloved by its countrymen, that the brewery owns and sponsors bars around the city and country. There are three main beers in Prague, Pilsner Urquell, Staropramen, and Budweiser Budvar (the original Budweiser). All of these beers are extremely popular and Czechs do find delight in arguing the finer points of which makes each one better than the other, but it is Pilsner Urquell that wins out in popularity as it is the first pilsner beer ever made. And they like it so much, it is cheaper to buy than water. You can get a quart of beer at a local bar for 70 cents US. It is almost a Czech-right to enjoy Pilsner Urquell.
The beer itself is a golden color and goes down smooth and crisp with a vibrant flavor. I wouldn't suggest picking up a 6-pack at your local grocer as I find these to be skunky, but finding a barroom that has this excellent beer on tap is a treasure as a keg can keep the brew more intact and fresher for a taste more similar to the original article found in the streets of Prague. And not many distributors offer Pilsner Urquell, and not many restauranteurs are willing to take the risk of offering it. Thank you, Karen for doing so!
And having a pint at The Beauty Shop is ironically similar to a lot of the "clubs" and bars you will find in Prague. The Beauty Shop's eclectic 1960's stylings are similar to Eastern European modern design which can be very vintage and hang on the verge of 2001: A Space Odyssey.
I highly recommend and suggest that you drop by The Beauty Shop and have a pint of Pilsner Urquell. Take along a book about the artist, Mucha, and skim through it while you drink, and you may start feeling like you have travelled abroad without paying for an airline fare.

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